Olé supermarkets are known in China for offering premium products to a demanding urban clientele.

An expert in high-end Chinese wines

Olé offers fine food products ranging from seafood to pastries, and also possesses VIP clubs and premium wine cellars.

In order to position itself as an expert in high-end Chinese wines, Olé called on Hopscotch Sopexa for its knowledge of the codes, networks, language and rituals of the sector.

It is thanks to this successful partnership that the event « China’s Terroir, Blossoming Beauty » comes to life at the magnificent Park Hyatt in Shenzhen.

It brings together more than 10 prestigious wineries from the 5 main regions of China.



65 professionals have been carefully selected to attend a masterclass led by the renowned lecturer and leading expert on Chinese wines, Wei XU.
This time was punctuated by speeches from the representatives of the vineyards, and allowed the singular qualities of each product to be highlighted.

In the evening, the professionals were joined by major influencers and VIP clients for a unique tasting in an exceptional setting.

These two activities enabled the guests to acquire a rich knowledge of the wines presented and to attend a unique sensory experience, making Olé a connoisseur of the sector.