With internet, social media and medias in general, we consume a lot of information without always having the sources, the context or without being able to verify them. It can have an impact on different sectors. Disinformation affect particularly the porcine branch. Between fake news and rumours, which way the wind is blowing when it comes to our food, especially the meat we eat.

In order to discuss about verified informations, the French, Spanish and Portuguese porcine sectors get together and called Hopscotch Sopexa, R2 and Tactis to create a fun and young campaign.

“Let’s talk about Pork” is an information campaign, supported by the European Union, for the millennials. It aims to set the record straight about everything they hear and see in medias concerning pig farming.  


Fake or real?

The campaign is spreading on 3 years. It starts with “fake or real” videos which shed light on different subjects around pig farming like: climate change, alimentation, trackability and a lot more.  

But that’s not all, many actions are being done to create conversations about the sector. Public relations allowed people to find regularly fun information on the press in the 3 countries. By example, in France, a lunch in the restaurant of the chef Julien Duboué, reunited journalists and influencers to raise awareness among to the campaign’s thematics 

An integrated campaign

The campaign is also digital, a dedicated website has been created, it answers all consumer questions. A televised campaign was broadcasted on different channels. An exclusive playlist on Deezer was conceived. The 3 countries also got their own Instagram account related to the campaign, and France has a Facebook account when Spain and Portugal have a Twitter one. Portugal and Spain count around more than 1,5M views on their Instagram and Twitter.  

But the campaign does not end here! The consumer will be able to find recipes and tips to cook pork, but also exclusive contents created by journalists and pig farmers.  

Learn more about pork, “Let’s talk about pork from Europe”: https://letstalkabouteupork.com/?lang=fr